

(random film shots from in between now & when I last posted)

Hi hello, wow it's been a while since I've updated. I haven't had a computer for the longest so it's been difficult.

I have officially lived in Maine for 1 year. I'm still feeling the same as when I last updated about this move - I love Maine & the Northeast, but living here has made me realize that I'm just made to be in the South. We recently moved to a new town up here and it's helped me a decent amount. This town feels like more of a community, something I've missed so much about Jackson. It will help me get by until we move (tbd), and I'm grateful for this new place and the way it's helping me.

Obviously, we did not get married in March. Not only did the Corona Virus start to take down the U.S. during this time, but also Z was incredibly sick and hospitalized for a week (the same week we would have left for New Orleans to get married). We had actually decided back in February to postpone due to financial reasons and stress, and after seeing how March played out I am still in shock of the perfect timing of it all. I think we would have for sure gotten the virus if we hadn't postponed and Z hadn't been sick and we went.

Currently Maine is tryinggg to transition into Spring. Or I guess Summer. Maine literally doesn't have a Spring. Flowers are blooming and I've been able to see the grass for weeks now without snow coming down and hiding it all. It's been so nice and I can't wait for real Summer, especially with the current state of things. We may not be able to travel or go to fun Summer events due to the covid but at least it will be warm enough to swim in the ocean.

The sun is shining today and I am going to go lay in the hammock and read my book 🖤


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